I have been working on projects with Viva Creative for a few years now. They are based out of Rockville, Maryland and I am in Los Angeles. I’ve never met them in person, but we have a good working relationship just chatting in email and occasionally on the phone. The projects are mostly identity and branding for events, but on this latest project, the project kept getting larger and larger after I designed the initial logo. For their latest event, Viva wanted an identity that felt hand written or graffiti-like. I wasn’t crazy about the design I presented below, but they liked it and didnt want me to change a thing.

And, they asked me to create some more elements for the trade show. The poster below was attached to the trade show booth structure and was 9 feet tall.

I also design the smaller, promotional “Defrag Me!” posters on the booth below.

The show was a big success as you can see below.

Maybe it was the double entendre message that got the attention of the computer nerds software engineers. In any case, the T-shirts with the event logo I created sold out. That’s 500 over two days. The President and CEO of Raxco Software is wearing one below.